What Are Extraoral Digital X-rays?
Extraoral digital X-rays are taken on the outside of the oral cavity and can be used to assess overall structural issues with the teeth, jaw, and surrounding bones of the face such as impacted teeth. A common type of extraoral digital X-ray is the panoramic X-ray. This special X-ray is created by rotating a machine around the head, which gives that “panoramic” 3D view of the jaw.
What Are the Benefits of Dental Digital X-Rays?
Dental digital X-rays offer many great benefits and improvements over traditional dental X-rays. They can be much more accurate in locating small areas of tooth decay a traditional X-ray might miss. This also makes digital X-rays very helpful in starting early treatment, which saves time, money, and grief in the long run.
Digital X-rays can be viewed on a computer monitor, where you can zoom in and see details more clearly. Contrast and colorizing can also be easily used to find potential issues with the teeth.