What Can I Expect When I Have Air Abrasion Treatment?
When you come in for your scheduled air abrasion treatment, you will be given rubber dams and cotton balls for use in your mouth, to protect and separate unaffected teeth from those being treated.
Under magnification and specialized lighting, the air abrasion tool will be used to spray the affected teeth with aluminum oxide or silica particles, while the dental assistant suctions out the excess particles. Then a special red dye will be used to ensure all the decay is removed. If it is not, the process will continue.
If you are having a composite or filling placed, a solution will then be applied to the affected areas to roughen up the surface as preparation for the appliance to adhere properly. The material for these appliances will then be hardened under specialized lights and then polished to blend into your mouth as if they’re natural teeth.
Stop Tooth Decay Today with Air Abrasion in Torrance!
Call us today at (651) 373-7660 today to schedule an appointment to see if air abrasion treatment in Torrance is right for you!