What Else Do I Need To Do To Prevent Dental Issues?
If you want to maximize your oral health, you need to take good care of your teeth at home in between your biannual cleanings. Ideally, you would brush after every meal, but this often isn’t possible, so try to brush at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, and use a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Be sure you floss once a day as well. Finally, use mouthwash once or twice a day.
If you don’t like manual toothbrushes or regular flossing, consider getting an electric toothbrush or a WaterPik. These are both alternatives that work well.
Will Dental Cleaning and Preventative Procedures Whiten My Teeth?
Yes, they will whiten your teeth somewhat because stains and plaque are removed during your cleanings. Other factors can cause you to have stained or yellowed teeth, however, including the consumption of acidic beverages such as tea or coffee, smoking, genetics, some diseases, and certain medications. If you have an issue with stained teeth, we offer professional whitening treatments to help you get the look you desire. Speak to the staff at our Torrance dentist office to find out your options.